Master Plumbers Blog
For many homeowners, nothing ruins their day more than bad plumbing. Not only are common plumbing issues a constant source of irritation, but they could also lead to more serious problems around the house and for people that live there. As whimsical as it might sound, indoor plumbing is often held to be one of the signs of a civilised culture, and also the hallmark of the resort you went to is something you could come back safely from without needing additional vaccine shots. Without proper plumbing, hygiene, decency, and a host of other things literally go out the window.
Having plumbing issues is an inevitable thing in any house with indoor plumbing, as it is as subject to wear and tear as everything else in the house. Some even experience it as a persistent problem as some fixes don't really seem to stick. Some of these include:
Leaking pipes and faucets are among the most common plumbing problems faced by homeowners all over the world. In most cases, most homeowners would simply ignore the issue, mainly because finding someone to fix it is either costly or they simply don't have the time. What people don't realize is that by not attending to the problem as soon as possible, they are actually setting themselves up for an even costlier scenario.
If a leaky faucet maintains its dripping at even just one drop per second, in one day, there would have been at least 86,400 drips. A gallon contains at least 15,140 drips, so an entire day's worth of dripping will have wasted at least 5.7 gallons of water.
Even if the cost of this wasted water is not really enough to bother a person, the mere fact that it is wasted should give people more than enough reason to consider having the faucet or leaky pipes fixed, because there really are people who don't have ready access to clean water in some places of the world.
Leaky pipes are just as serious a problem as leaky faucets, and to some houses, even more so. This is because indoor plumbing necessary has piping that runs through the house. Leaks are not always in areas that are easily seen. The leak could be from a pipe joint that has become weathered and compromised for some reason.
This means the leak could very well be somewhere where it could not be seen or fixed immediately, so the water will continue to leak until it is found and fixed. While it is undetected, however, it will continue to leak water and therefore cause water damage in the house. In areas where there is wood, water could easily cause fungus growth or rot the wood completely until it disintegrates.
Unseen leaks are also largely responsible for warping, those unsightly and frightening bumps that suddenly form on the ceiling, walls, or even on the floor. On walls that are made of concrete and have a thick layer of paint or wallpaper on them, you may find a water blister that could keep on growing while the water continues to leak and collect in it. This problem is not only unsightly, but for people who might be prone to pulmonary issues caused by fungus, it could even be highly dangerous.
Even in this day and age, not everyone is blessed to have shower fittings that deliver the desired amount of water pressure when it is wanted. In many cases, houses with leaks will also have weaker, as the compromised pipes fail to deliver the full pressure needed.
This is more than enough to ruin anyone's day, as people rush to get to school or work in the morning have end up being late because they could not finish their bath in time due to weak water pressure. It might sound humorous when read, but it is a real nightmare for those who have this issue as a persistent problem.
There are times when it gets so bad that people with weaker water pressure in their house could only make full use of the indoor plumbing at certain hours of the day, particularly when no one else is using their own indoor plumbing.
There are instances wherein more than one household in an area happened to have leaks and therefore weak water pressure, rendering the area low value in terms of resale, a problem that could have been easily solved by a skilled plumber.
Other than a faulty water delivery system, another issue with indoor plumbing that could be readily addressed by troubleshooting from a plumber are clogged drains. Depending on the location of the house, the clogging could be due to a number of things, including:
Trying to clean a clogged drain is, without a doubt, one of the most disgusting jobs a plumber has to deal with, although it is relatively one of the most straightforward. In most cases, once the clogged area has been found and the cause of the clogging removed, the job is done. This problem, however, tends to be a chronic issue, particularly for household members who don't really care to watch where they throw insoluble items or when they choose to let accumulated hair from the shower seep into the drain.
Even more disgusting than a clogged drain is a backed-up toilet, particularly the ones that tend to return what was put in it when people try to flush. This is so visceral in nature that it has been used to comedic effect in many movies and shows, although the issue could become a serious one if the problem is brought on by septic system damage.
Left unaddressed, this kind of problem will not only be a considerably smelly one but a health hazard as well, as the younger members of the household could be exposed to bacteria coming from the sewage.
There is a standing rule that plumbers constantly remind homeowners regarding the prevention of backed-up toilets: number one, number two, and toilet paper only. Anything else flushed into the toilet could cause blockage after some time. This is why there is a need to teach younger members of the household that the toilet is for human-made waste only, and not any other item that they wish to dispose of.
These are just a few of the issues that come up regarding plumbing concerns in the house. There are more problems that typically arise relevant to indoor plumbing issues, which is why when a plumber gives tips to avoid them, it is always a good idea to follow them. Keeping these suggestions in mind could save you a lot of money in repairs and a lot of misery from the damage.
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