Master Plumbers Blog
A plunger and toilet auger are the most commonly used methods to unclog your toilet. But what can you do if you do not have these two handy?
Luckily for you, numerous alternative solutions can help unclog your toilet. And this article will discuss some of these DIY methods. Read on to learn more about these solutions, and see how effective they are in unclogging your toilet.
Below are some home remedies you can utilise to deal with your clogged toilet.
The old trick of boiling water is the most uncomplicated way to unclog your toilet, and this is the easiest method recommended for your DIY.
Heat as much water as your kettle can hold. When you deem it ready, slowly pour the hot water down the drain, and let it sit for a few minutes. Monitor any progress, and see if it loosens the clog. If you notice water slowly starting to drain, you'll know that your efforts have paid off.
Do not let the water get to the boiling point; just hot enough not to cause damage to your drain. Before you conduct the process, make sure to check the type of pipes that are attached to your toilet. If your pipes are made of PVC or plastic, pouring boiling water down the drain is not recommended.
There are several miracle workers that you can easily find in your kitchen, and your liquid dishwashing soap is one of these.
Add a few spurts of liquid dishwashing detergent into your clogged toilet bowl. The slickness of the soap will lubricate the clogged pipe and make it easier for the stuck particles to slide down. If you run out of dish soap, break up a bar of hand soap and flush the bits down the toilet.
If the dish soap does not trick, add some hot water to fasten the process up. Let the soap solution settle for five to ten minutes to give it time to move down the drain. Then, pour the hot water down the toilet bowl from the waist level to give it the force to dislodge the cause of the clog.
Baking soda and vinegar are a combination worth trying. The steps are easy to follow and can be done quickly. And this, indeed, is another hidden gem that you can find in your kitchen cupboard.
Pour a cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar down your toilet drain. Bubbling up is a natural reaction when using this compound solution, which signifies that the mixture is working to remove the clog. If feasible, let the solution sit for an hour or overnight.
Follow up the process with some hot water afterwards, and check to see if it drains after some time. If the solution worked its magic, then your toilet is good to go. If not, repeat the procedure once more.
Squirt a generous amount of shampoo into the bowl, and follow up with a hot but not boiling water bucket. Like the liquid detergent soap, the shampoo will act as a lubricant. Once done with the procedure, let the mixture settle down.
Redo the process, but lower the amount of the shampoo until the water can drain without any resistance.
Sometimes, more severe obstructions need to be removed manually. If you do not have access to a drain snake or auger, here is an alternative that you can try.
Using an ordinary wire coat hanger, form a hook by bending one of the ends over while straightening the rest. Use it for fishing for things that may be causing clogging. Push around until the obstruction breaks loose and starts to drain.
If you want to use this procedure, be ready for things to get messy.
Start by removing water from the toilet bowl. Drain as much as you want before you proceed.
Put warm water in a big plastic bottle, and use your thumb as a stopper. For this step, put on rubber gloves. Insert the bottle's top end into the toilet's bottom exit. Take off your thumb, then squeeze the bottle's contents.
The water inside surges down the pipe, and the increased pressure might be enough to move the obstruction.
This mixture combines Epsom salt, liquid dish detergent, and baking soda. Combine two cups of baking soda, a quarter cup of Epsom salt, and about nine tablespoons of liquid dish detergent. Press them into muffin moulders lined with parchment paper or muffin cups. Let the mixture sit overnight until it dries.
It's now time to try out these toilet bombs!
Drop one into the clogged toilet bowl, and then pour approximately 4 cups of water. Let the toilet sit for roughly four hours before flushing.
Household bleach aids in the breakdown of waste in the same manner as dish soap. Use household bleach as a substitute for your dishwashing soap. Use 2-3 cups of bleach, and pour one cup of powdered soap after a minute or two.
Let it sit for around ten to fifteen minutes before flushing the toilet. This method is one of the more effective methods of clearing a seriously clogged toilet.
Though not a home remedy, calling for help is the most effective solution for whatever plumbing problem you have. You can always call for professional help because that is precisely what plumbers and plumbing services are for.
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