Master Plumbers Blog

4 Environmental Factors That Can Affect Your Home's Plumbing

One of the most important parts of any residence is its plumbing system, giving access to potable water as well as a safe way to get rid of any wastewater. Thus, any issue with plumbing can result in various troubles. Unfortunately, among the causes of plumbing issues are environmental factors that can be quite unpredictable. Being aware of them, however, can at least help you mitigate their negative effects and even prepare for them beforehand.

Here are some environmental factors that can cause problems with your home’s plumbing.

Extreme Temperatures

Your plumbing pipes are vulnerable to developing cracks and other forms of damage whenever the climate becomes too hot, as extreme heat can weaken its structural integrity. Likewise, when it’s too cold, water inside pipes can freeze, which then causes expansion and increases the possibility of bursting. This is more so evident for pipes that are old or have already been compromised, as well as pipes exposed to the elements. While you obviously can't control the weather, the best way to ensure your pipes won’t get damaged despite extreme temperatures is to ensure they’re in peak condition.

Of course, it’s not that simple to check your home’s plumbing system on your own. For a proper inspection of your home plumbing, you can hire Dunedin plumbing services like Mains Plumbers to see if your pipes are compromised and in need of repairs or if they have to be replaced altogether.

frozen pipes

Tree Roots

While trees provide a great source of shade and visual appeal to your yard, their roots can, unfortunately, be a threat to your plumbing pipes. This is because roots are persistent in searching for water and nutrients, so a small leak in your pipes can lead them to cling onto them and eventually cause them to break. If you find one of your pipes damaged or broken due to a protruding tree root, call for emergency plumbing services right away to get it fixed as soon as possible.

One way to avoid roots in your plumbing line is through routine inspection. Make sure there aren’t any trees near your pipes and have those that are removed and relocated elsewhere. If this isn’t possible, invest in root barriers to protect your pipes. Just make sure you’re getting the right type and size so the roots truly won’t get in. Another way is to also just trim tree roots using a pruner or by enlisting the services of a professional tree trimmer. That said, because tree roots will eventually grow again, remember to check on these tree roots regularly and have them pruned as needed.

tree roots

Ground Movement

There are many reasons behind ground movements, such as unstable temperature, insufficient or excess moisture in the soil, and other natural geological phenomena like earthquakes. The resulting movements in the soil and rocks surrounding your pipes can add unnecessary pressure, which can cause cracks and eventually cause them to burst.

Aside from regular inspection, this issue can be mitigated by reinforcing plumbing lines with durable materials. You can ask your local plumber to discuss options with you on this matter and see which one works best for your plumbing system. Redoing your plumbing lines so that they’re in a more stable position can also be an option, in which case you can find
certified drainlayers to get the job done for you.

corroded pipe


Over time, your pipes eventually corrode as they are constantly exposed to liquids and minerals. This can further be accelerated by chemicals, such as the drain cleaner you use for your sink or through chemicals that seep through the ground and reach your plumbing lines. If left unattended, then you risk further damaging your pipes and for wastewater and chemicals to spread further into the soil. It can also lead to pipe blockages and build-ups. Thus, always have your pipes professionally inspected to ensure they aren’t corroded.

For Your Plumbing Needs

Environmental factors can be largely unpredictable, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything you can do to keep your home’s plumbing safe from its negative effects. By knowing the risks beforehand, you can better prepare to ensure your plumbing lines stay in good working order.

When it comes to your plumbing needs, you want professionals who have solid industry experience to back up their work. That’s exactly what Mains Plumbers can offer your home or business. We understand that dealing with a plumbing issue can be a hassle, especially if it doesn’t get fixed right away. Thus, we pride ourselves on delivering a quick response to our clients’ plumbing emergencies. 

We’ve got a full range of plumbing services to offer, including gas fitting and drain laying. We can also attend to both residential and commercial plumbing needs. Give us a call and let us know what plumbing project you need to get done and we’ll be sure to offer you a quote and timeframe to help you decide.

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